Best Places to Work 2024 – Shiny, happy, smiley people

Forget the latest buzz words when it comes to employee wellbeing, it is all about the happiness metric.

Of course employees are focused on their wage or salary, but it is also clear and transparent communication and a feeling of being a part of something. As an executives search boutique, Carter Schwartz are advocates for people and culture. You get the right people in to create a positive and thriving culture, and your business will thrive.

When this weekend’s The Times and Sunday Times released their Best Places to Work Awards and Survey, it was wonderful to see social care and healthcare organisations, both small and large being recognised for creating highly engaged work places and spaces.

From hotels and pensions to energy and IT, these employers bring workforce wellbeing to the table. Read about what the best of the best are offering when it comes to being a top employer. 

Congratulations to two of our clients who hit this fantastic list: medical sales and distributor, Kent Pharma and adult social care provider, Ivolve. Plus a host of organisations that we either work with.